I'm going to look at this through a Christian point of view purely based on the fact that it is the leading religion in the world with over 2 billion followers. If you were to do the research, you are to see that religion has a lot more evidence to back it up. From phenomena such as accounts with the afterlife, out of body experiences, prayers being answered, miracles, psychic abilities, numerous similar stories of near death experiences, all the way to the darker sides of things such as accounts with the devil, possessions, religious visions, exorcisms, etc... You have to take all of these wide spread reports into account. All imply that there is some unknown super natural force. Some of these cases can be very alarming and eye opening. Let's take demonic possession for example since i just read a book based off one (A Good and Happy Child by Justin Evans in case anyone is interested). Many skeptics shrug possessions off as mental illness, and usually, that is the case. That someone makes their self believe they are being possessed by a demon, therefore causing them to act the way they do. But when you research these cases, that is when you can discover how odd this phenomena is. There are documented cases of demoniacs speaking languages unknown to them, knowing information impossible for them to know, and supernatural occurrences. There have been accounts of demoniacs levitating, vomiting sharp objects that seemed to have formed in their stomachs, committing feats of strength, having multiple personalities, and the repulsion of holy instruments. All this can seem very convincing. Or is it all fraud? Maybe people want a religion to exist so bad, to have answers, that we begin to make it a reality. This ties in with the next argument, science.
" We have all heard it said, more or less non-chalantly: Reality is nothing but the result of a mutual consent between people who just agreed to consider certain experiences and perceptions Reality. But we seldom consider how profound this statement really is. And the other carelessly shared statement is more profound yet, if we really let it sink in: Our world is nothing more but the result of collective agreements. No news to most of us. But if we ask ourselves what that really means today, right now - especially in a world such as ours - we realize the tremendous power of choice we have, and the participation in the way we see, experience and create our world."This idea is mind boggling, and is becoming a more recognized view for scientific philosophers. More scientists are starting to look at this philosophy in a new light. This would explain peoples accounts with religion. Since about 80% of the people on this planet believe in a religion, based on this philosophy, we are likely to agree religion is a reality. If you think about it this makes sense. Thousands of years ago, nations, empires, were all built on religion, to them religion was reality, everyone believed. This is the kind of stuff that plays with your head.
~Yuri Smirnov
Aside from philosophy there is the theory of evolution. This, overlooking its disagreements with the Bible, cannot disprove religion. Along with the big bang theory. If everything was created by two atoms, what created those two atoms? What created the empty void of space we built our universe in? These are the questions with no answers. Einstein is probably the best known and most highly revered scientist of the twentieth century, and is associated with major revolutions in our thinking about time, gravity, and the conversion of matter to energy (E=mc2). Although never coming to belief in a personal God, he recognized the impossibility of a non-created universe. Maybe we will never find the answers, maybe we will. But as for me, in order for me to fully believe, i need proof. I must witness something supernatural, or have a sudden revelation on what is life. But until then, these are my thoughts.
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